Other expressions in conditionals communicaiton exercise


Exercise Title"If-Then Debugging Game"


Practice using second and third conditionals in hypothetical situations.


  • Prepare a list of hypothetical tech-related situations. For example:
    • "If a robot malfunctioned, what would happen?"
    • "If you hadn’t fixed that bug, what could have gone wrong?"
    • "What would you do if you found a critical error in the code just before a presentation?"


  1. Warm-Up Discussion (5 minutes):

    • Briefly review the structure of second and third conditionals with examples.
      • Second conditional: If I had more time, I would learn a new programming language.
      • Third conditional: If I had studied earlier, I would have passed the test.
  2. Scenario Roleplay (15 minutes):

    • You describe a tech-related problem to your student. For example:
      • "Imagine you're a team leader, and a team member tells you there's a bug in the code just before launch. What would you do if this happened?"
    • They respond using second conditionals.
    • Follow up with a related third-conditional question:
      • "What would have happened if you hadn’t spotted the bug in time?"
  3. "Debugging Hypotheticals" Game (10-15 minutes):

    • Write 5-7 hypothetical programming or tech situations on slips of paper.
    • Your student draws a situation and must respond with a second or third conditional.
    • For example:
      • Slip: "If you accidentally deleted a database..."
        Response: "If I accidentally deleted a database, I would immediately check the backups."
      • Follow-up: "If you hadn’t created backups, what would have happened?"
  4. Reflection Discussion (5 minutes):

    • Ask your student to share how these structures might be useful in real-life communication, especially in problem-solving or teamwork scenarios.

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